
Title Journal Ref. arXiv Year

The SABRE project
and the SABRE PoP
Astropart. Phys. 106 (2019) 1-9 arXiv:1806.09340 2018

Monte Carlo simulation of the SABRE PoP background
arXiv:1806.09344 2018
Conference Proceedings
Corresponding Author Title Journal Ref. arXiv Year
G. D’Imperio Dark matter search with the SABRE experiment 2018
I. Bolognino Direct search of dark matter with the SABRE experiment 2018
G. D’Imperio Dark matter search with the SABRE experiment arXiv:1807.00584 2017
P. Montini  Dark matter search with the SABRE experiment arXiv:1807.08073 2017
D. D’Angelo SABRE NaI(Tl) Dark Matter Investigation at low Radioactivity Proceedings of Science, Vol. 283 (2017) 2017
C. Tomei SABRE: Dark matter annual modulation detection in the northern and southern hemispheres  NIM A, Vol. 845 (2017) 2017
P. Urquijo The Southern Hemisphere Hunt for Dark Matter at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory arXiv:1605.03299 2016
F. Froborg SABRE: WIMP modulation detection in the northern and southern hemisphere J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 718 042021 (2016) arxiv:1601:05307 2016
J. Xu SABRE – A test of DAMA with high-purity NaI(Tl) crystals AIP Conf. Proc. 1672, 040001 (2015) 2015
E. Shields SABRE: A New NaI(Tl) Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiment Physics Procedia 61 (2015) 169–178 2015
Author   Title Institution Year
Emily Shields SABRE: A search for dark matter and a test of the DAMA/LIBRA annual-modulation result using thallium-doped sodium-iodide scintillation detectors Princeton University 2015
Author Title Institution Year
Valerio Toso Study of the sensitivity of the SABRE experiment for direct Dark Matter search Università degli Studi di Milano 2018
Massimo Mastrodicasa Studio della sensitività dell’esperimento SABRE per la rivelazione diretta di Materia Oscura Sapienza Università di Roma 2017
Serena Mancini Simulazione Monte Carlo della propagazione di fotoni ottici nel veto attivo dell’esperimento SABRE Sapienza Università di Roma 2017  
Sara Cerioli Characterization of High Quantum Efficiency PMTs for Direct Dark Matter Search with the SABRE experiment Università degli Studi di Milano 2017
Ambra Mariani Simulazioni del flusso gamma ambientale per l’esperimento SABRE Sapienza Università di Roma 2017